Reporting & Analysis
For many companies, having an overview of your travel expenses and their development is the key to recognizing potential savings. With the option of importing data from third parties globally and independently of your travel agency - you get a perfect overview of your company's total travel spend. In addition, there are control options with the possibility to report volumes on your suppliers realtime.
With our TD chart application from our TD Suite product family, you get a reporting tool that can be operated intuitively and flexibly adapted to your needs. If you wish, you can benefit from additional services from NP4 such as CO2 reports, reports on transportation classes, etc. Set up individual reporting templates and have them sent to you automatically.
Modern and Customized Dashboard Design
Create dashboards with us that are perfectly tailored to your needs
Fully customizable for you, your colleagues, and departments
Perfect for quick overviews and presentations
Export options in all common formats
Compatible with any data source
Access to your favorite report templates at any time
Optional import of worldwide travel data - also from external suppliers - independent from your travel agency or GDS
Keep track of the travel policy adherence
Use TD chart as a basis for negotiations with your suppliers
Keep an eye on your travel expenses
Clear and intuitive user interface
Choose from many report details and filter options to display your desired results
Research with the smart search function
Benefit from optional analysis options from NP4
You can choose to display your reports as a pivot grid or chart
Export the displayed data, or including all raw data
If you wish, you can export your data in a layout in your corporate identity.